
The Point of the Mountain State Land Authority (Land Authority) is conducting a series of detailed studies and analyses that reflect what Utahns told us they want at The Point. The Point Framework Plan provides solid direction for future development at the site, with built-in flexibility to respond to changing conditions. Although many basic attributes of the site have been identified in the framework plan, such as land-use distribution, sustainability goals, and transportation infrastructure, a more detailed plan of action is required for effective implementation.

These preliminary studies will help to inform future decisions made by the board. While the studies provide recommendations for consideration, it is not anticipated that all study recommendations will be implemented due to variety of factors. These factors could include funding constraints, changing market dynamics, ongoing public feedback, and more.


This study will detail various cost-effective sustainability strategies that improve air and water quality, and reduce energy and water use. Learn more here.


This study will detail various smart community concepts and cutting-edge technologies that improve the quality of life for residents and workers. Learn more here.


This study will detail innovative transportation solutions that reduce vehicle miles traveled and provide affordable choices for how people can get around at The Point without a car. Learn more here.


The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute released an economic and fiscal analysis of buildout scenarios at The Point, concluding that The Point’s Framework Plan supports 46,500 jobs, $4.4 billion in annual earnings and $7 billion in annual GDP. Learn more here.