Board Meetings

The Point of the Mountain State Land Authority board meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Board meetings take place in person at 350 N. State St., Salt Lake City, UT 84114 in room 210 of the Senate Building. 

The public is encouraged to attend these meetings. All board meetings will be noticed in accordance with the Utah Open and Public Meetings Act on the Utah Public Notice Website. In addition, meeting agendas, recordings and other related materials are available on The Point’s website. Board meetings can be watched live via The Point’s YouTube Channel or participated in virtually by registering through Zoom using the link below.

Meeting Materials


January 14

February 19

March 11

April 8

May 13

June 10

July 8

August 12

September 9

October 14

November 11

December 9