Since 2020, The Point has received over 16,000 survey responses from Utahns weighing in on what they would like to see at The Point. Many responders have commented on the importance of public arts at the site. In response to that positive feedback, we recently hired the world-class team at Designing Local to develop The Point’s public arts master plan, which will guide the vision, placement and maintenance of art at Utah’s Innovation Community.

As one of the most recognized development projects in the nation, and a generational investment in Utah’s future, we invite you to weigh-in and participate in one of several focus groups conducted by Designing Local throughout March. Your feedback will help us identify what type of art will be displayed at The Point and how it will be displayed.

We are committed to ensuring that public art at The Point represents Utah’s geography, history and culture. Residents from across the state are encouraged to participate so their opinions can be reflected in The Point’s public art master plan.